Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Sheet Model Of The Big Bang


Have you ever wondered why it requires energy to move matter, and that energy can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form? Like so much else that cannot be readily explained by ordinary physics, it goes back to the cosmology of the universe and, in particular, the nature of the Big Bang which began the universe.

In my theory, the Big Bang which began the universe takes the form of a sheet, rather than emanating outward from a point as believed by some. Space came first, before matter, and began with a single electric charge, whether a negative or positive charge. The first charge then induced an opposite charge next to it, which then induced a copy of the original charge next to it on the other side, and so on in multiple dimensions.

The resulting multitude of infinitesimal alternating electric charges, in multiple dimensions, is what comprises space. This is why electromagnetic waves are so, they disturb the underlying charge balance of space and so reveal it's electric charge nature.

It is true that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, which is why planets and stars are shaped as spheres and an object placed in the air will fall to the ground. But the top priority of the universe is not energy conservation but charge balance. Since electric charges are the most fundamental entity in existence, and partial charges cannot exist, the only way to correct the original imbalance of only one charge in existence is to bring an opposite charge into existence, even though this represents a higher energy state.

But the creation of multi-dimensional space by mutual induction as a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges did not proceed completely smoothly. A two-dimensional sheet of space formed, by the same mutual induction, that was within but was not coordinated with the checkerboard pattern of the negative and positive charges of the background space.

This sheet of space, having only two dimensions of the alternating electric charges was able to seek a lower energy state by charge migration, having one side of the sheet hold the negative charges and the other hold the positive charges. It is not possible for such charge migration to take place within the multi-dimensional background space because there are too many dimensions to coordinate the charge migrations together.

This two-dimensional sheet of space, not being coordinated with the checkerboard pattern of alternating negative and positive charges in the multi-dimensional background space, became curved relative to the pattern of the background space until the positive side of the sheet came into contact with the negative side. The two sides would also have attracted one another by the rule that opposite charges attract. But only one set of the two parallel sides of the sheet came into contact, the other two sides did not contact.

When the negative and positive sides of the sheet came into contact, they underwent mutual annihilation as happens when matter and antimatter is brought into contact. But the bonds of only one dimension of the two dimensions of the sheet disintegrated because only one set of parallel sides of the sheets had come into contact. The mutual annihilation which takes place when matter and antimatter is the most powerful source of energy in the universe, the release of energy when two sides of the sheet were brought into contact explains the vast explosion which we refer to as the Big Bang. The sheet of space, losing the bonds in one of it's two dimensions, was shredded into one dimensional strings, and these were thrown out across space by the force of the explosive release of energy.

Since charge migration had taken place within the sheet before the Big Bang, some of the strings had a negative charge and others a positive charge. These strings are what we perceive today as electrons and the positrons of antimatter. Remember that antimatter is like matter except that the charges are reversed so that, in an antimatter atom, a positively-charged positron is in orbit around a negatively-charged nucleus.

When charge migration took place in the sheet of space, there could not be a sharp boundary between the negative and positive sides because that would, in effect, be bringing matter and antimatter into contact. Rather, there was a gradual change in electric charge between the two sides. This explains why quarks exist, as well as the corresponding anti-quarks of antimatter. An up quark has a charge of + 2/3, while a down quark has a charge of - 1/3. Two up quarks combined with one down quark gives us a proton with a charge of + 1. Two down quarks combined with one up quark gives us a neutron with a neutral charge. These wide central bands of strings would have to be wider then the one-dimensional lines such as electrons, and this explains why quarks are much larger than electrons.

Since the sheet of space was "folded" before the Big Bang, this explains how negatively and positively-charged strings, which we perceive as particles because our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light, managed to get paired up to form atoms. The conventional physics model of the Big Bang suddenly emanating from a single point not only does not explain why the Big Bang would happen or why it would cause matter to exist in space, it also does not explain why oppositely-charged particles, thrown out in different directions in space, later managed to get paired up to form atoms. But if they were thrown outward from a folded sheet, that would send opposite into the same area of space from opposite directions so that they could pair up to form atoms.

When an artillery shell or hand grenade explodes, the pieces of shrapnel do not collide with each other because each goes off in a different direction. This model of a sheet folding, before disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions due to the contact of it's negative and positive sides as in a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, does explain it because this would have caused the strings that we perceive as electrons, and those we perceive of as the quarks which comprise nuclei, to cross paths. I see the idea of a "point" Big Bang as completely against the laws of physics. This sheet model, in contrast, shows how it was actually brought about by the laws of physics.

Another thing that conventional models of the Big Bang do not explain well is why there is so much more matter than antimatter that we see in the universe. Theoretically, there should be about the same amount of both.

But if the fold in the sheet, prior to the opposite and oppositely-charged coming in contact to bring about the Big Bang, was somewhat diagonal to the checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges which comprised the sheet, then that would explain not only the quarks with mixed charge forming as diagonal bands across the middle of the sheet, but also why we see so little antimatter in the universe even though we know that it exists. The strings on the far opposite sides of the sheet, which would have a "pure" electric charge, either negatively-charged electrons or positively-charged protons, would be thrown out into space in completely different directions so that there would be little contact between matter and antimatter.

To understand the relationship today between matter and energy today, we have to understand that the sheet of space, which disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions in the Big Bang, is still with us. It is why there is both matter and energy in the universe. The dimension of the sheet which remained intact have given us the one-dimensional strings which form matter. The dimension of the sheet which disintegrated and released the energy of opposite-charge attraction which had held the sheet together has given us energy.

There is energy in space itself, in the tension between the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges, if you wonder where this energy came from remember, once again, that the universe does seek the lowest energy state but the top priority of the universe is not energy but charge balance. The numbers of negative and positive charges must always be equal, and the universe will expend all of the energy necessary to make sure of that. Creating more charges, by mutual induction of existing charges, means more energy, but is the only way to achieve the priority of charge balance.

Energy, in the universe today, acts perpendicular to the strings of matter. This means that we can move objects in the lateral dimensions, which we perceive as our three spatial dimensions, but energy does not act along the lengths of these strings of matter, which we perceive as our time dimension, so that there is never any input of energy or movement from past to future, as we perceive it. This is because the dimension of the sheet of space which disintegrated in the Big Bang to bring about energy, was perpendicular to the dimension which remained intact to give us the strings of matter.

Space is alternating electric charges. Matter is a concentration of these charges. Energy is ultimately a resistance to the rules of these charges, which dictate that opposite charges attract and like charges repel and so overrule any concentration of the charges. This reflects the formation of the two-dimensional sheet within the background multi-dimensional space.

We could say that matter = space + energy. It requires energy to overcome the basic rules of electric charges which prevent any concentration of those charges, only an alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive. This means that it requires energy to create matter, so that there must be energy within matter, because matter is any concentration of the electric charges other than the alternating checkerboard pattern.

The bonds of one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet of space dissolved by matter-antimatter contact of it's opposite sides, so that one dimension of the two became energy and was applied to the shredded one-dimensional strings of the other dimension to fuse them into matter. If we bring matter and antimatter into contact today, this energy is released again and the individual electric charges comprising the matter arrange themselves, by attraction and repulsion with the existing charges comprising space, so that they turn back into space.

Both matter and energy each came from one of the two dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet of space. When the bonds of one dimension disintegrated in the matter-antimatter explosion which we refer to as the Big Bang, it released the energy which had been in the bonds of the sheet. This energy, from the tension between adjacent opposite charges in the sheet, was there because the universe had to continuously create more of the infinitesimal negative and positive charges of which space is composed because that was the only way to try to achieve charge balance in the universe, exact equality in the numbers of negative and positive charges, and remember that charge balance is a higher priority than energy in the universe.

The Big Bang, by the way, is continuously being replicated in miniature across the universe in the form of gamma ray bursts, as described in the posting by that name. The reason that we cannot access the innate energy in space, between the opposite charges, is that these charges are the most fundamental entity that there is and there is thus no way to access it or to project it onto anything.

The sheet of space behaves as if it is still together when it comes to the laws of physics and the relationship between matter and energy. To move matter, which is from one dimension of the sheet, requires the involvement of energy, which is from the other side of the sheet, thus maintaining the integrity of the sheet. Newton's Law that every action must result in an equal and opposite reaction, which involves both matter and energy, also maintains the integrity of the sheet of space because it means that the center of mass of the sheet will always remain constant.

One dimension of the two-dimensional sheet of space brought matter into the universe of background space, and the other dimension brought energy. Both matter and energy is really still a part of the sheet, it has just been rearranged. Energy is one dimension of the sheet and matter is the other. This is why there cannot be changes in matter, moving from one place to another, without there also being changes in energy, from one form to another. Matter could not even exist without energy because there could be no overcoming of the alternating checkerboard of electric charges of space, to form a concentration of charges which is the definition of matter.

The close relationship between space, matter and, energy is seen in another of Newton's laws that Energy = Mass x Acceleration, with the acceleration being done through space.

Finally, we come to what turned out to be the most famous formula of the Twentieth Century, Einstein's E = MC squared. This formula involves cosmology and is that there is energy in matter that is the equivalent of the mass of the matter multiplied by the speed of light squared. In other words, a small amount of matter actually contains a tremendous amount of energy.

My theory explains why, to find the amount of energy in matter, we multiply the mass by the speed of light squared. Squared means multiplied by itself, so that there are two speeds of light in the formula. In my theory, our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light.

This is why, although the matter with which we are composed was thrown out by the Big Bang over four dimensions of space, we can only move at will in three of those dimensions because the fourth is the one along which our strings of matter are aligned and which we experience as time. Objects that seem to be moving together or apart are bundles of strings which are not exactly parallel to one another. This means that a bundle of strings which was perpendicular to ours would be perceived by us as an object moving at the speed of light.

This explains why the speed of light is squared in Einstein's formula. The speed of light appears twice, so that it must be multiplied by itself. The first speed of light is the rate of movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light. The second is perpendicular to this direction.

If the positively-charged protons in a nucleus are suddenly unbound by having their binding energy released, they will logically seek to repel each other with the greatest possible efficiency. This will mean, as we saw in the theory, moving apart in diametrically opposite directions. This means a perpendicular direction to the usual direction in which the bundles of strings of matter are aligned. Remember that if the bundle of strings comprising an object is perpendicular to our bundle of strings, we will perceive it as an object moving at the speed of light, and we see the speed of light as the maximum possible speed because a right angle is the maximum possible angle.

Put simply, the reason that the speed of light is squared, multiplied by itself, in Einstein's formula concerning the conversion of matter and energy is that the sheet of space that my theory describes as being the origin of matter and energy was also a square, with two dimensions.

There is energy in empty space, because there is tension between the adjacent opposite charges in the checkerboard pattern of alternating negative and positive charges. If there were no energy in space, then there would have been no energy to have been released to form the Big Bang, at the disintegration of the bonds of one of the two dimensions of the sheet of space. But there is more energy in matter than in space because there is a concentration of charges, which is the very definition of matter, and to bring this about requires an overcoming of the basic rules of attraction and repulsion that do not need to be overcome in space because space is just an alternating pattern of opposite charges with no concentration of charges, as there is in matter.

Energy can be released from matter by nuclear processes such as fusion, or the fission described in the example above. But to release all of the energy in matter, above that of space, requires a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation. When this occurs and the energy that was holding the concentration of the charges in the matter is released, the negative and positive charges that comprised the matter simply fit back into the alternating pattern of the background space so that the matter seems to disappear, or to become space.

Can you see how neatly everything fits together around this sheet model of the Big Bang?


One of the mysteries of the universe is the equivalence between matter and energy. I would like to explain how it fits simply into my cosmological theory.

Energy and matter are obviously very closely related. There could be no such thing as energy if there was only empty space, but no matter. There could be no matter as we know it without energy because matter is ultimately composed of the infinitesimal electric charges, which also make up space. The two fundamental charges are negative and positive, where opposite charges attract and like charges repel. Matter, as we know it, can only exist if there is energy which can overcome like-charge repulsion to hold the nuclei of atoms together.

My theory is that everything in the universe is composed of infinitesimal negative and positive charges. These charges will naturally form an alternating pattern of negative and positive, like a multi-dimensional checkerboard, following the rules of opposite charge attraction and like charge repulsion. This alternating pattern will form space and any concentration of the charges, other than the alternating pattern, will form matter. But to concentrate the electric charges in any way requires energy because it must overcome the basic rules of the electric charges. In fact, this is ultimately the only way to store energy, overcoming the rules of electric charges to concentrate the fundamental electric charges in a pattern other than alternation.

There is always energy involved with any arrangement of the electric charges. In the checkerboard alternation of space, there is a natural tension between the charges that holds them in place. The universe always seeks the lowest energy state, but that is not the first priority. The first priority is that there must be an exact balance in the universe between the numbers of negative and positive charges.

The Big Bang, which brought about the universe, could have only come about by the formation of a two-dimensional "sheet" of space within the multi-dimensional background space, which began with a single infinitesimal electric charge, and grew by continuous mutual induction of opposite charges next to one another. A single negative charge, in the middle of nothingness, would be a charge imbalance and so would have to induce a positive charge next to it. But then that would also create a charge imbalance and so would have to induce a negative charge next to it, and so on.

The charges which were continuously growing by mutual induction were not coming to being in space, they actually were forming space itself. We do not detect any electromagnetism in empty space because the multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating charges completely balances out. Electromagnetic waves, such as light, are electromagnetic because they upset the charge balance of empty space. There is tension between the charges, which means energy, but the universe does not seek the lowest energy state in empty space because charge balance is a higher priority and there are too many dimensions for charge migration to take place to lower the energy state.

But by some distortion, a two-dimensional sheet must have formed that grew by charge induction independent of the multi-dimensional background space. Charge migration could take place in this sheet of only two dimensions to lower the energy state as negative and positive charges traded places so that one side of the sheet came to be positive, and the other side negative. This charge migration, where negative and positive charges "trade places" to lower the energy state, but not upset the charge balance, can be seen in black holes as described in the posting "Black Holes And Antimatter".

The two-dimensional sheet of space folded under it's own gravity until one side came into contact with the other. Since charge migration had taken place within the sheet, this brought the negative and positive sides together so that they mutually annihilated in a matter-antimatter explosion. This is what we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe. But only one of the two pairs of parallel sides had come into contact, which meant that the electrical bonds of the sheet disintegrated in only one of it's two dimensions.

This left one-dimensional strings to be thrown out across space by the force of the explosion. The energy seared like charges together into strings in a way similar to the formation of heavy nuclei within stars during the supernova which blasts the star apart, because the input of energy of the supernova is necessary to fuse together nuclei heavier than iron and nickel from lighter nuclei.

Antimatter is the same as matter, except with the electrical charges reversed so that positively-charged positrons orbit a negatively-charged nucleus composed of anti-protons. When matter and antimatter are brought into contact, they mutually annihilate in an extreme burst of energy that is far greater than an equivalent nuclear explosion. This is simply the fusing of the strings composing each disintegrating so that the fundamental charges go back to the alternating pattern of space and the energy that bound them together is released.

The fundamental particles of matter that we perceive, such as electrons, are actually some of these one-dimensional strings. We perceive them as particles because our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and one of the four dimensions of background space in which these strings of matter are dispersed is what we experience as time.

Now, back to matter and energy. All energy in the universe must ultimately be traced back to the Big Bang, since energy can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form, and the Big Bang is also the beginning of matter.

Is it becoming clear how this theory explains the close relationship between matter and energy, and why the two are so equivalent?

The most famous formula of the Twentieth Century is E = MC squared. This means that energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. The C is for constant, and means the speed of light. As explained previously the speed of light is squared, or multiplied by itself, in the formula because 1) that is the speed at which our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains and 2) energy is ultimately based on the fundamental charges of which the universe is composed and if two like charges are bound together, and then suddenly released, they will move apart with the greatest possible efficiency, which is both in a perpendicular direction in space, and we know from my theory that movement is represented by strings which are not quite parallel and the greatest possible angle, a right angle, represents the greatest possible speed that we perceive, which is the speed of light.

The reason that matter and energy are so inter-related, and that there is an equivalence between them, is proof of my sheet model of the Big Bang. The bonds of the sheet disintegrated in only one of the two dimensions of the sheet, and the result was the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation known as the Big Bang. The Big Bang must ultimately be the source of all energy in the universe since we know that energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form. This means that one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet of space disintegrated into the energy in the universe today, and the other dimension remained intact and is the one-dimensional strings which compose the matter of the universe today.

Finally, for something which I have not yet pointed out in this theory. Have you noticed something about E = MC squared and this theory of the sheet of space bringing about the Big Bang? The sheet is also a square, and this is the underlying reason that there is also a square in the formula.

How can this theory not be true? There is a well-established principle in physics called "Occam's Razor". This principle is that the simplest explanation for something usually turns out to be the best explanation. The basis of this theory is just so simple, and everything seems to fall neatly into place around it.

I have never seen another theory that really explains what time actually is. We agree that the Big Bang was a fantastic explosion of energy and that all energy in the universe today ultimately originates with the Big Bang because energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form.

But if that is true, then where did the energy in the Big Bang come from? What actually caused the Big Bang? I have never seen a theory that answered any of this, which is what led me to develop this theory. There are theories of what happened after the Big Bang, but not of what caused it or where it's fantastic amount of energy came from.


We have seen how a structure which is composed of some "building blocks" must bear a resemblance to the blocks of which it is built. A house made of brick can most easily be built in the same shape as it's component bricks. Electrons are in orbitals around the central nucleus in atoms just as the planets which are composed of those atoms are in orbits around the sun. Atoms are spherical in form and if a large amount of matter coalesces together by gravity, it will also form a spherical star or planet.

Let's consider that some chemical reaction are endothermic. This means that these reactions require an input of energy to take place. Other reactions are exothermic, meaning that they give off energy.

This endothermic principle, the requirement of an input of energy, is also seen in nuclear reactions. The tremendous heat and pressure in the centers of stars crunch smaller atoms, starting with hydrogen, together into the larger atoms of heavier elements. But this so-called fusion of atoms only occurs up to a point. The creation of the heavier elements, heavier than iron and nickel, require an input of energy and are formed only as a star explodes as a supernova and scatters it's component matter across space. This is why, in the universe as a whole, these heavier elements are far less common than the lighter ones.

But this can only mean that matter in the universe must have had an endothermic nature from the beginning.

Remember that, in my cosmology theory, space is a fabric composed of a near-infinity of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive electric charges. If there is this alternation of negative and positive charges, we have space. But if there is any concentration of electric charges other than this alternation, either negative or positive charges together, we have matter.

My theory stipulates that, in the Big Bang which began the universe, a sheet of space of at least two dimensions which was not integrated into the alternating electric charges of the background space, folded together under it's own gravity after charge migration had taken place in the sheet so that one side of the sheet was negative and the other positive. When the two sides came into contact, the negative and positive concentrations of matter mutually annihilated in a matter-antimatter explosion and scattered the remainder of the sheet across space as one-dimensional strings as the bonds of the sheet disintegrated in one dimension because the sides of the sheet came into contact on only one pair of opposite sides. This means that there was only a partial matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, in one dimension of the sheet but not two, so that we got the one-dimensional strings of matter.

The result is the strings of matter across space which are the basis of string theory and which we perceive as particles, rather than as strings, because we can only see at right angles as our consciousness proceeds along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. The reason that the charge migration which took place in the sheet of space does not take place in space as a whole is simply that there are too many dimensions in space. The matter with which we are familiar is thrown across four dimensions, one of which we perceive as time, but there may be many more dimensions of space and quite possibly even an infinite number of dimensions.

We know that when antimatter is brought together with ordinary matter, the two mutually disintegrate and disappear while releasing a fantastic burst of energy. Remember that antimatter is like ordinary matter except that the charges are reversed so that positively-charged positrons are in orbit around a nucleus with negatively-charged anti-protons. According to my theory strings that we perceive as particles, such as electrons, are actually a very long line of the infinitesimal negative charges which compose space joined together. The same applies to all of the fundamental particles. But if opposite charges attract, and like charges repel, then how can such a string of like-charged particles exist?

Another question is where the fantastic amount of energy comes from that is released upon a matter-antimatter reaction. We know that energy must come from somewhere because it can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form. Chemical energy is released when molecular bonds between molecules are broken so that the energy which bound the molecules together is released. The much greater nuclear energy is released when some of the energy binding the nucleus of an atom together is released. So much energy is required to bind a nucleus together because it is necessary to overcome the mutual repulsion of the positively-charged protons because like charges repel. Nuclear energy is the release of this energy.

But how can we explain the energy that is released by a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation? It is far greater than either nuclear or chemical energy. There are no apparent bonds that are being broken to release their energy, the matter and antimatter itself simply disintegrates and disappears as the energy of the reaction is released.

But this energy is explained by my theory. There actually are bonds binding like-charged particles together against their mutual like-charge repulsion. Electrons, for example, are actually strings of the negative particles of the infinitesimal negative and positive charges which alternate in many dimensions to make up space. There must be some extremely powerful force binding these like-charged particles together into a string, and the bonds along the length of the string between the negatively-charged particles must contain a tremendous amount of energy to hold the string together. Also, since energy can never be created or destroyed, this energy must have come from somewhere.

The energy could only have come from the Big Bang, the tremendous explosion of energy which began the universe as we know it. The energy of that explosion seared like-charged infinitesimal particles of space into one long string. When antimatter is brought together with ordinary matter, such as an electron string of negatively-charged particles and a positron string of positively-charged particles, the tremendous energy within both is released and the particles of both negative and positive attract together so that they return to the alternating negative and positive pattern of empty space, and both the matter and antimatter appears to disappear. It simply goes back to being space as the bonds binding it into matter disintegrate, and the energy in those bonds is released.

But if energy always has to come from somewhere because it can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form, where did the energy of the Big Bang come from? No cosmological theory that I have ever seen tries to answer what actually caused the Big Bang. All energy in the universe today is a re-circulation of the original energy in the Big Bang. The universe always seeks the lowest energy state, which is why the earth is spherical and a ball will fall when you drop it. It requires less energy for it to fall than to maintain it in it's present position in the air.

But the most fundamental basis of the universe is not energy. It is the rules of the underlying electric charges of which everything is composed, both space and matter. In the universe, opposite charges attract and like charges repel and all else is mere details. Energy conservation, the seeking of the lowest energy state, is important in the universe but the first priority is charge balance. We could say that the universe is willing to "waste" a tremendous amount of energy if it is necessary to correct a charge imbalance.

The at least two-dimensional sheet of space which formed within the multi-dimensional background space as the space in the universe was forming by one electric charge inducing an opposite charge next to it, and repeating over and over in multiple dimensions, would account for such a charge imbalance which had to be re-balanced by the Big Bang as the two sides of the sheet came into contact after charge migration had taken place. The charge migration in the sheet of space, positive to one side and negative to the other, was itself a seeking of a lower energy state. A given electric charge on it's own is a charge imbalance until it induces one next to it to restore the balance, even though that means that energy must come into being as the opposite-charge bond between the two.

Put simply, when matter and antimatter are brought into contact so that they mutually annihilate, the like-charged particles which were fused together into strings to form what we perceive as particles such as electrons have their bonds broken and released as energy so that they combine with the opposite charged particles that are also released to go back to the alternating multi-dimensional checkerboard that is empty space and both the matter and antimatter seems to vanish. The energy that is released is the energy of the Big Bang which went into fusing the like-charged particles together in the first place. It requires no energy to fuse opposite charges together because they naturally attract.

In a nuclear reaction, we know that some of the mass is converted to a tremendous amount of energy up to a few percent of the mass. But a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation releases far more energy because the entire mass seems to us to be converted back into energy.

By far the most powerful explosions in the universe today are the mysterious gamma ray bursts. An average of about one per day takes place across the universe. They seem to be associated with supernovae, the exploding of large stars, but a gamma ray burst can release several hundred times as much energy as the largest supernova.

The posting on the cosmology blog, "Gamma Ray Bursts" provides a simple explanation. The tremendous pressure within a supernova can snap strings of matter so that it creates a charge imbalance. Remember that charge balance is a higher priority in the universe than energy conservation. The broken string, most likely an electron, induces new and opposite electric charges next to it in an effort to regain charge balance.

But then these have to also induce an opposite charge next to them. This creates a new sheet of space, just like at the beginning of the universe, and the resistance of the background space causes the two sides of this sheet of new space to curl around and come in contact with the other side. When this takes place, we get what amounts to a miniature version of the Big Bang as a gamma ray burst.


As described on this blog, in the posting "The Beginning Of The Universe", our universe seems to have begun with the introduction into nothingness of a single electric charge, either negative or positive. That primal charge induced an opposite charge next to it, which induced a copy of the original charge next to it. The process continued in multiple dimensions, and so on.

This explains space as we know it, a near-infinity of alternating infinitesimal negative and positive charges. These charges balance out to zero. The reason that waves in space, such as light and radio waves, are perceived as electromagnetic is that the waves disturb the underlying balance of electric charges that make up space.

Matter began when, according to my theory, an "orphan" two-dimensional sheet of space formed and began growing in the same way by mutual induction. This sheet existed in the midst of, but was not joined, to the background space.

Charge migration took place in this two-dimensional sheet of space, so that one side became negative while the other became positive. This charge migration took place because a certain amount of energy is required to maintain a checkerboard pattern of alternating charges, and this charge migration lessened the contact between charges.

Charge migration does not take place in the background space because there are too many dimensions, maybe an infinite number of dimensions. It is not that the energy to maintain space "comes out of nowhere", it is just that the first priority of the universe is charge balance and conservation of energy is a secondary priority.

(By the way, remember that this idea of charge migration explains why black holes decay over time and emit radiation, see "Black Holes And Antimatter" on this blog).

The two-dimensional sheet of space, not being integrated with the background multi-dimensional space, became curved relative to the background space. As charge migration took place within the two-dimensional sheet, the negative and positive sides underwent an opposite-charge mutual attraction. When the two sides came into contact, it brought about a fantastic matter-antimatter explosion with the burst of energy and mutual annihilation of charges. This is what we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe as we know it.

But the two-dimensional sheet of space, which would have had four edges just like a sheet of paper, only had one set of opposite edges come into contact. The other two edges did not come into contact. We could say that the contact of opposite edges was one-dimensional, not two-dimensional.

So, in the mutual annihilation that took place in the matter-antimatter reaction, one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated while the other was left intact. This left one-dimensional "strings" of charge that were thrown out across space by the force of the energy release. It is bundles of these strings that compose matter as we know it today. A pure negative string would be perceived by us as an electron particle because the nature of our consciousness cause us to experience one direction of space as time.

The reason that I refer to the Big Bang as a matter-antimatter explosion, when in fact the sheet was only space, is that concentrations of opposite electric charges ordinarily only come into contact when matter meets antimatter. When this takes place, a fantastic burst of energy is released and the electric charges that compose both the matter and the antimatter rearrange themselves back into the checkerboard of charges of empty space.

Antimatter is the same as matter, except that the charges in atoms are reversed. Around the negatively-charged nucleus of antimatter orbit positively-charged positrons, instead of the negatively-charged electrons of conventional matter. If there was a galaxy composed of antimatter, instead of regular matter, I don't think that we could tell just by looking at it since both would handle light in the same way.

Today, I would like to add more to the scenario of the beginning of the universe concerning it's geometry.

First, we know that higher level processes must resemble the lower level processes of which they are composed. This is simply because there is only a limited amount of information in the universe and the higher-level processes must utilize the information available from the lower level processes. An example of this that we find orbits both at the atomic level, with electrons in orbit around the nucleus, and at the astronomical level with planets in orbit around stars. A brick house is most easily constructed if it is of the same shape as the bricks of which it is built. This was discussed on the complexity blog.

Larger atoms are formed from smaller atoms that are crunched together in the centers of stars by the tremendous heat and pressure. There are two ways that this is usually done, known as the s-process and the r-process for slow and rapid. This is fully explained in articles such as "Nucleosynthesis" on .

The s-process (slow) is the ordinary crunching of smaller atoms together in the center of the star. The leftover binding energy is radiated as heat and light. The r-process (rapid) is a special process that takes place only when the star explodes in a supernova. There are some larger atoms that require more binding energy to hold the nucleus together than is contained within the nuclei of the smaller atoms which are crunched together to form them. To form such atoms requires an input of extra energy than is converted into binding energy. It is some of the tremendous energy released within a few seconds as the star explodes that goes to form the extra binding energy.

But this means that we might expect to find some reflection of the r-process in the lower level processes at the foundation of the universe. What about the leftover strings of electric charge from the Big Bang, that we perceive as the matter of the universe today? A string of negative charges that forms an electron is still like charges that must be held together. The burst of energy upon a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation shows that there is a lot of energy within matter, meaning that this energy must have come from somewhere. We know that binding energy in the nucleus is released in a nuclear reaction, but a matter-antimatter reaction releases far more energy and this explains it.

Some of the energy of the Big Bang went to cement the like charges together into strings of matter, such as electrons. Fundamental electric charges can overcome the rule that like charges repel if there is an input of energy, just as binding energy can hold together a nucleus of like-charged positive protons at a higher process level.

Second, this model of the Big Bang sheds some light on the geometry of the universe involving what we perceive as time. Remember that, in this theory, we exist in four-dimensional space with one of those dimensions being what we perceive as time. Our consciousness progresses along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. We see what are actually strings of matter as particles because we only see three of the four dimensions as space, the other is our time dimension.

If it was two opposite edges of the two-dimensional sheet of space that came into contact to bring about the Big Bang as a matter-antimatter burst of energy, but the other set of opposite edges did not come into contact, that means that the Big Bang which thrust the strings of matter out across space must have been in the form of a line. If we can then consider the Big Bang as having the form of a line, rather than a point, this explains why matter is aligned in all directions in space, except one. That one dimension is the one that we perceive as time, and is the dimension across the sheet that was perpendicular to the line described here, along which the two opposite sides of the sheet came into contact.

This enables us to see how we can look out across the universe, in what we could call the lateral dimensions, but not backward toward the Big Bang. We can detect the residual radiation from the Big Bang coming at us from all directions in space, but we cannot pinpoint it's location in space. From our perspective, the Big Bang exists in time but we cannot find it's location in our present space. When we detect it's radiation, the Big Bang seems to be all around us rather than coming from one point. This is because we can only see in the lateral dimensions of space.

The only way that I can see to explain the geometry of the universe, as we see it, is this model here that begins with a two-dimensional sheet of space amidst, but not integrated within, the multi-dimensional background space all around. Charge migration takes place within the two-dimensional sheet, so that one side is positively-charged and the other negative. One of the two opposite edges meets and results in the massive matter-antimatter mutual annihilation and burst of energy that we perceive as the Big Bang.

The electrical bonds holding the sheet together disintegrate in one dimension, but not the other. The result is the strings that we perceive today as the fundamental particles of matter, such as electrons. Our consciousnesses, moving outward along the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains, is why we experience the dimension toward the Big Bang as time and the others as space so that we cannot pinpoint the location of the Big Bang but it's radiation seems to be coming from all directions in space.


My scenario described above of the Big Bang occurring from a folding two-dimensional sheet of space may sound unconventional but there is plenty more evidence of it's truth even besides that which I have already presented.

Have you ever stopped to think how phenomenal it is that all the electric charges in the universe composing matter are exactly the same? As far as we can tell, every electron in the universe has exactly the same negative electric charge as every other electron in the universe. Likewise for all the other charged particles. This is truly amazing and what makes it even more amazing is that all electric charges in the universe balance out to zero.

The alternative to my sheet model of the Big Bang is the conventional point model, which supposes that the explosion that began the universe began at one point in space. This point model has no explanation of what caused it or how the energy released by it condensed into matter.

As far as I am aware, no one has ever seen energy condense into matter at all. But even if energy could somehow condense into matter, no one has explained why it condensed into charged matter of which each and every charge in the universe is precisely equal and why the charges balance out to zero.

When water vapor (vapour) condenses into cloud droplets, rain drops and, snowflakes, they vary widely in size. The energy of an explosion is not symmetrical, so why should the matter into which this energy supposedly condensed by so perfectly symmetrical?

My position is that the matter in the universe is not the condensate of the energy produced by a great explosion. I have showed that it could not possibly be. Our universe of matter, with it's perfectly identical charges that balance out to zero, are a unified whole, the two-dimensional sheet of matter, that has disintegrated into one-dimensional strings.

This explains why the electric charges in the universe are exactly equal and sum to zero. If you noticed fragments of rock on the ground and saw that the pieces fit together, you would logically assume that the pieces were of a whole rock that had been shattered. The matter in the universe is the same way.

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