So you think we understand the universe pretty well? Let me ask a few questions and see if you, or anyone for that matter, can answer them.
First of all, what is time, I mean from a physics point of view? Time is literally what life is made of and yet the truth is that all we really know about it is that it is a dimension as are those of space. If time is a dimension, as Einstein told us, why can we not travel in it at will as we can in space?
We know how fast light travels, in fact we can measure it very precisely, 186,282 miles per second or 300,000,000 meters per second. But why does it travel at this speed? Why does it not travel at some other speed? There is no apparent physical reason for why light in a vacuum always travels at the speed it does.
Einstein told us that no moving object can ever travel faster than light because it's mass will increase as it approaches that speed and will be infinity by the time it reaches the speed of light and time will slow down until it stops for an object at this velocity. We know that this is true, but the question is why is it true? Why should the speed of light have anything to do with how fast an object can travel or how much mass it has or how fast time progresses?
Easily the most famous formula of the past hundred years is Einstein's E=MC squared. That means that the energy in matter, E is equal to the mass of the matter times the constant, C, squared, or multiplied by itself. C, the constant in the formula, is the speed of light. In other words, a small amount of matter is equivalent to a vast amount of energy. Which is why atomic bombs do so much destruction.
But why is E=MC squared? Why on earth does the speed of light have anything to do with the conversion of matter and energy? And why is the speed of light squared, or multiplied by itself in the formula?
Isaac Newton's Law of Inertia tells us that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion until acted on by an outside force. The question, once again, is why?
We know that the structure of matter in the universe as well as electromagnetic waves is governed by the two ever-present electric charges in the universe, negative and positive. But why are there two and only two charges and from where do they originate?
Why is there matter at all in the universe, why is there not just empty space?
No one, as far as I can tell, knows the answers to these questions. It is as if we know the what of the universe but not enough to know the why.
Most cosmologists today are advocates of string theory, sometimes called "Superstrings". The basis of this theory is that particles, such as electrons, are not really particles but very long strings of which we can see only one bit at a time. This means that there must be more dimensions than we can perceive. Not only do we have the great unsolved mysteries listed above but scientists cannot seem to agree on the fine points of Superstrings such as exactly how many dimensions are required.
As it turns out, there is a very simple model of the universe that requires no new science or leaps of faith and that answers all of these questions. It just required some thinking outside the box. I developed The Theory of Stationary Space, which I am certain solves all of these riddles. Here is a brief explanation of the solution.
There are at least four, rather than three spatial dimensions in our everyday world. The atoms in our bodies, according to string theory, consists of strings rather than point particles as we perceive. The strings composing our bodies and the universe around us are aligned mostly in one direction in the surrounding four-dimensional space.
Our consciousness must only exist at one point along the very long bundle of strings composing our bodies or else we would see our whole lives at once. Consciousness is very complex and requires great intricacy of the strings to produce and maintain. Once we have had consciousness at one point on the bundle of strings composing our bodies, that bit of consciousness is used up and cannot be had again. Our consciousness moves along to the next point on the bundle of strings composing our bodies and so on.
Consciousness moving along the strings can be compared to a burning fuse. This explains what time is. Time does not exist in physical reality, it is only something that we perceive caused by the motion of our consciousness along the bundle of strings composing our bodies. Consciousness requires such complexity of strings to maintain that it must move 186,282 miles along the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains to give us what we perceive as one second of consciousness. This explains why light seems to us to travel at this speed but we simply cannot find any physical reason why it does.
However, simple logic tells us that if time does not really exist then motion, which is a function of time, cannot really exist either. Thus light, and other electromagnetic radiation, consists of stationary ripples in space rather than as moving waves. It is only the movement of our consciousness along the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains that makes light seem to be in motion at the speed of light, which is really the speed at which our consciousness is moving. If our consciousness moved slower, then light as well as time in general, would appear to move slower.
The sun does not really shine, it just causes stationary ripples to exist in space. The sun seems so bright to us because our consciousness is moving through these stationary ripples at what seems to us to be the speed of light. If our consciousness moved more slowly, not only would time appear to move slowly, light would seem to be dimmer as well as redder, since red is the visible light of lowest frequency. Of course, if our consciousness moved faster along the bundle of strings composing your body, time would seem to move faster and light would be brighter as well as bluer.
Now the pieces of the puzzle are all falling together. The fact that light really consists of stationary ripples in space explains why we can see in only three dimensions, rather than four. We can no longer see what we saw in the past because our consciousness has moved on past the stationary ripples of light that we saw back there. We cannot yet see what we will see in the future because our moving consciousness has not yet reached the stationary ripples of light down the road in our future. All we can see at any one point is the stationary ripples of light that are at right angles to the location of our moving consciousness on the bundle of strings composing our bodies.
We therefore see the infinitesimal slice of four dimensional space that is between past and future, meaning that we see in three dimensions. The other dimension that we cannot see is what we perceive as time because that is the direction our consciousness is moving because that is the direction, out of the four dimensions, in which the bundle of strings composing our bodies is primarily aligned.
Now it becomes obvious why we cannot travel in time, it is because time itself is defined by the direction in which the bundle of strings composing our bodies is aligned in the four-dimensional space. Traveling in time would be somewhat like having an out of body experience. Time is actually space and the direction that we move in what we perceive as time along the bundles of strings composing our bodies is at right angles to all three of our spatial dimensions. Since we are, by nature, three dimensional creatures in terms of space, we simply cannot perceive this fourth spatial dimension but we experience it as time.
A jumble of strings is perceived by us as a hot object and a bundle of relatively straight strings as a cold object. Every time a string changes direction in any way, it causes a stationary ripple in space that we perceive as light or other electromagnetic radiation. This is why a hot enough object seems to glow but a cold object does not, although it would reflect ripples that met it.
Look at any box-shaped object. You will see three dimensions; height, width and, length. There is another spatial dimension that is at right angles to all three of these dimensions. We cannot possibly perceive it because the space in which we exist is only three dimensional. But we do experience this hidden spatial dimension as time because our consciousness moves along the strings composing our bodies at what seems to us to be the speed of light. Seeing it spatially would mean seeing into the past or future. It is also the direction in which the strings composing our bodies is aligned.
This does not mean that there could not be many more dimensions of space, other than these four, only that the matter of which we are composed only occupies four dimensions.
The reason that light seems to be travelling at the "speed of light" while everything else moves at lesser speeds now becomes obvious. The answer lies in simple high school trigonometry. Light is stationary ripples in space at right angles to the direction of movement of our consciousness along the bundle of strings composing our bodies. Therefore, it appears to us to be moving at the speed at which our consciousness is actually moving.
Just as if you are driving down a highway, trees at right angles to your direction of movement appear to be moving at the same speed the car is actually moving, if you could perceive the car as being at rest. Other bundles of strings outside your body, if they are aligned in a slightly different direction in the four-dimensional space will also appear as moving objects in our familiar three dimensions but, not being at right angles, will appear to be moving at much less than the "speed of light".
Actually, the sine of the angle between the bundle of strings composing the moving object and the direction that strings appearing at rest are aligned multiplied by the apparent speed of light. The speed of light appears to us to be the maximum possible speed simply because a right angle is as perpendicular as you can get.
So far, we have the mysteries of time and the speed of light solved.
Newton's Law of Inertia can be easily explained by the fact that strings are straight unless acted on when it pushes up against another bundle of strings. This is why, to us in our three dimensional home, objects seem to remain either at rest, if originally at rest, or in motion until acted on by an outside force.
Why does light display electromagnetic properties if it is merely stationary ripples in space? And where do these two charges, negative and positive, that govern the existence of matter, originate?
It is really simple. Any kind of space has to have one or more dimensions. Our familiar space has at least four dimensions. Space consists of a multi-dimensional checkerboard of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive electric charges That is why light, ripples in space, appear to be electromagnetic in nature. The ripples are actually only exposing the electromagnetism of the space in which they are existing.
So then why, you may be asking, is the structure of matter, as well as space, dominated by these two electric charges. The answer is that matter in the universe is also space. There is a four-dimensional block of space as we have seen. There is also a two-dimensional block of space that is not contiguous to the four-dimensional block. This two-dimensional block, however, exists congruently within the four-dimensional block. This two-dimensional block is what we perceive as matter. The four-dimensional block is, of course, what we perceive as space.
The fact that matter is really space is made obvious by the fact that it's structure is governed by the same two electric charges that are revealed in space by ripples of light. The four-dimensional "space block" allows the two-dimensional "matter block" to exist within it much as water displaces to permit a ship to exist within it.
The two-dimensional block of space must have been "folded" relative to the at least four-dimensional block of background space. That is why it was not contiguous with it, or else there would be no matter, just at least six dimensions of space. This misalignment prevented the two from becoming contiguous with each other.
We could compare the two-dimensional sheet of space to a sheet of paper. Suppose that one edge of the folded paper had a positive charge and the opposite parallel edge a negative charge. This was the case after charge migration took place in the sheet, negative charge to one side and positive to the other to attain a lower energy state because there is tension between adjacent opposite charges, and would make possible all of the apparent charged particles of matter and antimatter. A fold parallel to the negative side would represent an electron. A fold parallel to the positive side would represent a positron.
Quarks and antiquarks, with charges such as +2/3 for an up quark and -1/3 for a down quark, would be represented by broad sections of strings across the center of the sheet. The negative and positive charge concentration would have to be less across the center of the sheet because having a sharp boundary between the two would be, in effect, bringing matter and antimatter together. This is why it would take such a broad section to make a single charge, unlike the electrons or positron strings on either edge of the sheet, and the result is the heavier particles known as quarks.
This also explains why matter exists in the form of strings, as in the superstrings of string theory, the strings were the lines of like charges that were in the two-dimensional block of space. We know that matter must have consisted of a two-dimensional block of space because it could not manifest these charged strings (which we, of course, perceive as particles in our three dimensions) if it was only one dimension. Matter could not consist of three dimensions of space because then matter could exist within other matter without requiring space from the four-dimensional block and we see no evidence of this.
What actually happened is that a two-dimensional "sheet" of space formed within the background space. Charge migration took place within the sheet, positive to one side and negative to the other, because this would provide a lower energy state. The sheet folded upon itself by it's own gravity until one side came in contact with the other. This resulted in a matter-antimatter annihilation which released a vast amount of energy, that we perceive as the Big Bang.
But only one pair of the sheet's two pairs of sides had come into contact so that the two-dimensional bonds of the sheet disintegrated in only one of the two dimensions. This threw the remaining one-dimensional strings out across space, and this is what forms the matter in the universe today. Positively-charged strings were from one side of the sheet, and negatively charged strings from the other. Because we perceive one of the four dimensions into which this matter was thrown as time, rather than as space, we also perceive the strings as particles, such as electrons, rather than strings.
So there we have it. This simple model with no new science or leaps of faith solves all of the great unsolved mysteries of the universe listed at the beginning of this article. Once we solved one mystery, such as time, the solution to the next mystery just fell into place. How can this Theory of Stationary Space be wrong? If you do not accept this theory, can you think of a better solution to these mysteries, particularly time?
The reason that scientists had not come up with this yet must be their inability to see themselves as anything but three-dimensional beings or to see time as anything but a central part of absolute reality, rather than as a perception of living things.
This theory also provides a chance to reexamine some issues that many cosmologists have difficulty accepting. The red-shift caused by the Doppler Effect of supposedly receding galaxies is questioned by some who think that there could be another explanation for it.
Inflation is another one, the concept that the universe, just after the Big Bang, must have briefly expanded faster than light to account for the uniformity in the universe observed today.
This theory leaves room for the realm of religion. If we added another dimension to our four-dimensional block of space or, better yet, a five-dimensional block of space encompassing the four-dimensional block that we experience as space, it would open the possibility that our universe, or a portion thereof, existed as a kind of a "carpet" or painting in heaven. That is, it would be one dimension below the "space" of heaven. Somewhat like a two-dimensional carpet in a three-dimensional room.
We may be actually "in heaven" now but of a lower dimensional order so that we cannot perceive heaven outside our four-dimensional "carpet". The supernatural can be explained by the simple concept that our spirits can access the full heavenly (or hellish) dimensions but our bodies are created for this four-dimensional universe and thus cannot.
If this view is correct, it would mean that there is, as we have seen, a fourth dimension that is at right angles to all three of the spatial dimensions that we perceive. This dimension is what we experience as time. There is yet another dimension at right angles to all four of these dimensions. That is the direction in which God is to be found. Our flesh, confined to four dimensions, cannot possibly reach God, but our spirits, which are not confined to these dimensions, can.
There is a principal in physics known as Occam's Razor. This principle is that the simplest explanation for something is usually the best explanation. This principle may not apply well with people but it has long been believed to have a lot of merit for the realm of physics. This Theory of Stationary Space is about the simplest explanation that I can imagine for the great unsolved mysteries of the universe as listed above.
Therefore, I maintain, it must be correct. The theory is basically a geometrical model of reality that can explain the unsolved mysteries. But, since it has a high degree of congruence to physical reality as we know it, it must also have a high degree of truth in it.
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