Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Far Reach Of The Big Bang

It seems to me that so much of the nature of the everyday reality around us can be traced back to the throw pattern of strings of matter in the Big Bang that we perceive as the beginning of the universe. We happen to be three-dimensional beings simply because the matter composing our bodies encompassed three lateral dimensions of space as it was thrown in one direction, which we perceive as time, in the Big Bang.

The reason for Newton's law that "for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction" is simply that the center line of the throw pattern of strings of matter in the Big Bang must be conserved. If matter could move around, an action, the center line would change. But if for every action, there had to be an equal and opposite reaction, no matter how matter was shifted around, the center line of it's distribution would be maintained and this is the way it is.


But my finding is that this primal throw pattern of matter out into space in the Big Bang affects daily reality in even more ways. For example, it is well-known that nature prefers simplicity over complexity. Upon death, the body of a living thing will decay. It will go from being complex to being simple when the forces holding it together are removed.

But why is this so? Why is there such a thing as entropy that tends to break the complex down into the simple unless work is done to maintain the complexity? This is another factor of nature that we tend to just take for a given without asking why. I trace entropy, the tendency of nature to prefer simplicity over complexity back to the throw pattern of strings of matter in the Big Bang.

The truth is that the complexity in the bodies of living things violates the lack of complexity in the original throw pattern of matter. The original throw pattern contained no complexity at all. It was entirely random.

Work can be done to create complexity, such as living things. But the matter naturally "tries" to go back to it's original pattern and if the forces holding together a complex domain of matter are removed, the component matter reverts back to the original throw pattern, which is randomness. If a degree of complexity had somehow been incorporated into the throw pattern of matter in the Big Bang, nature would now be different.


I find that any warm object is a model of the universe as a whole with regard to conservation of the center line of the throw pattern in the Big Bang. This is what we perceive in our everyday reality as Newton's "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" law.

The heat in an object, such as a metal plate, is caused by movement of it's atoms. The atoms move in all different directions within the plate. The plate itself does not move when it is hot because the atoms moving in different directions cancel each other out.

I got to thinking that it would be great if we could harness this heat in an object for transportation. Suppose we could arrange it so that the atoms moving by heat in an object could be made to all move in the same direction at once. This would mean that the object itself would move.

In other words, we could use this for transportation by having the object itself move instead of it's atoms moving in random directions. When heat, such as sunlight, was applied to the object, it would move in a given direction instead of becoming warmer.

Magnetism operates by the same principle. In a magnet, the poles of each atom are lined up with all the others instead of being random and thus cancelling each other out. Lasers also operate on a similar concept, lining up waves of light of identical wavelength so that their force is exerted at the same time instead of being random and thus dissipated.

The reason that this cannot be done with a warm object, transforming some of it's heat energy into kinetic energy for use in transportation, is that it would violate Newton's law of equal and opposite reactions and change the center line of the throw pattern of matter in the Big Bang.

This means that any warm or hot object is a model of the universe as a whole with regard to the distribution of matter by the law of equal and opposite reactions. Whenever an atom moves in one direction within the object, another atom inevitably moves with equal force in the opposite direction. Thus no matter how hot the object gets and how fast it's atoms move, the object itself does not move.

In the same way in the universe as a whole, regardless of what happens to matter, the center line of the throw pattern from the Big Bang never changes. In my view of the universe, the forces of nature such as electromagnetism and gravity operate in tension with the throw pattern of matter from the Big Bang. The center line of the throw pattern cannot be changed and when matter is not acted on by a force, it reverts to the random, non-complex primal throw pattern.


There was a recent section, "Shapes And Electric Charges" within the posting on this blog, "Electric Charges And Cosmology". This posting described how there is information within the two fundamental electric charges of which the universe is composed, negative and positive, in that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. We saw how that information results in the construction of spheres and orbits, which is the dominant shape and pattern across the universe. The fact that there is no other set of information available means that this pattern of sphere and orbit is found on the largest scale, the orbits of moons around planets and planets around stars and stars around the centers of galaxies, as well as on the smallest scale of electrons around nuclei.

I would like to now demonstrate how this concept that there is only a certain amount of information in the physics of the universe to define how it operates can be used to prove that my model of the nature of the universe must be correct. To accomplish this, we will discuss how energy is stored within matter.

We know that energy is stored within atomic nuclei, as what we refer to as binding energy. This energy can possibly be released by either fusion or fission. Fusion is the process that drives stars, including the sun. Smaller atoms are crunched together by the tremendous heat and pressure at the center of the star to form larger atoms. Energy is released if the total binding energy, combined with the energy in the electron orbitals, within the nuclei of the smaller atoms is greater than that of the larger atom, which is usually the case.

There are two known exceptions to this, the element plutonium and the 235 isotope of uranium. Atoms are defined by the number of protons in the nucleus, isotopes are versions of the same atom but with different numbers of neutrons. An element might have two or three stable isotopes. When these two atoms have their nucleus split by a very fast-moving neutron, the two smaller resulting nuclei have less total binding energy than the original atom.

This excess energy is released by the reaction, primarily as heat. The extra energy to hold such large atoms together can be put into nuclei during the explosion of a star, known as a supernova, which releases a tremendous amount of energy and also scatters the matter across space where it can regroup by gravity to form planets and second-generation stars. Our sun is such a second-generation star, because it already contains heavy elements even though it has not yet gotten that far along in the fusion process.

Just as energy can be stored within the nuclei of atoms, by binding the like-charged protons together, it can also be stored in the bonds between atoms as they combine to form molecules. This is known as chemical energy, although the scale of the energy storage per unit of matter is far less than that with nuclear. When you drive a car, the energy from the sun which fell on plants millions of years ago before the plants became buried and formed oil is being transformed into the kinetic energy of the moving car. The molecular bonds of carbon atoms, which were put together by the ancient solar energy, are being broken to release their energy by the heat in the engine cylinders.

By far, the greatest amount of energy per unit of matter is released by the mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter. Antimatter is similar to ordinary matter, except that the electric charges of which it is composed are reversed. In antimatter a positively-charged version of an electron, known as a positron, orbits a nucleus composed of negatively-charged antiprotons. A neutron has the same zero charge whether it is matter or antimatter, but the arrangement of quarks which balance out to zero is different.

As far as I know, we could not tell if a distant galaxy was composed of antimatter simply by observation since both would generate and reflect light in the same way. When matter and antimatter are brought into contact, they mutually annihilate while releasing an extreme amount of energy.

But just as with nuclear and chemical energy, there must be something in the matter which holds the energy released upon matter-antimatter mutual annihilation when brought into contact, and it must have been put in there somehow. We can see how chemical energy is really based on nuclear energy, because it is actually the energy of the sun that is being released when we burn such fuels as wood or oil products.

In the same way, nuclear energy must ultimately be based on the fundamental electric charges. The further removed from the original source we get, the lesser the energy becomes per unit of matter. Nuclear energy is much greater than chemical energy, and the energy released by matter-antimatter mutual annihilation is much greater than nuclear energy.

(For a intriguing relationship between different forms of energy, see "The Chemical-Nuclear-Astronomical Relationship" on the physics and astronomy blog, www.markmeekphysics.blogspot.com ) .

We also see, in the examples of chemical and nuclear energy, that energy held within matter is released in the same way that it was put in. Remember that there is only a certain amount of information available on which to operate the universe so these three forms of energy storage and release must be based on the same pattern, just as we see orbits around spheres at both the atomic and planetary scales because that is the only information available.

The only difference between matter and antimatter is the arrangement of their electrical charges. This must mean that the electrical charges hold energy while they are part of a structure, and that energy is released when the structure is dissolved. This is the same pattern seen in nuclear and chemical energy, as it must be.

But how can matter, and antimatter, just vanish when they are brought into contact and release their energy? The only explanation is that the matter and antimatter literally become space. Since the only difference between matter and antimatter is the arrangement of electric charges, and these come apart upon mutual annihilation, space must also be composed of the fundamental charges. If not, there would be some kind of gap left in space upon matter-antimatter dissolution and there is not.

This, then, brings us back to my cosmological theory. Matter (or antimatter) consists of a concentration of electric charge. If charges are in an alternating checkerboard pattern of negative to positive, with no concentrations, we have space. The energy that is released upon matter-antimatter dissolution must be the same as that which put it together, confirming my hypothesis that the Big Bang which began the universe was a matter-antimatter explosion.

But what could cause such a vast explosion that could put the electric charges composing space together so that they formed matter, as well as antimatter, and would have to be a matter-antimatter explosion itself? And if the Big Bang happened once, why has it not recurred?

The answer, as explained in the cosmological theory, is simple if we consider space as being originally formed by mutually inducting infinitesimal electric charges. One charge would appear, which would induce an opposite charge next to it, which would then induce an opposite charge next to that, and so on. This would result in an essentially infinite multidimensional checkerboard pattern of infinitesimal negative and positive charges.

But if this pattern should be somehow disrupted, an "orphan" block of space could begin forming by the same mutual induction of opposite charges that would not be integrated with the original block. This orphan block could grow back around upon itself, relative to the background block of space, or possibly be pulled by it's own attracting changes at opposite ends because it would unbalance the charge structure of the background space, so that it underwent a degree of mutual annihilation in the same way as matter-antimatter.

If the "orphan" block of space was a two-dimensional sheet within the background block, and this caused it's bonds to disintegrate in one of it's two dimensions, the energy of that disintegration would create the Big Bang and would hurtle the one-dimensional strings of charge out into space where they would form the matter that we see today, as described in my string theory.

As to why the Big Bang does not recur, my theory explains that it does, although on a much more limited scale, as the extremely powerful gamma ray bursts that occur across the universe at an average of about one per day. There is a posting about such otherwise unexplained bursts of energy by that name on the cosmology blog, "Gamma Ray Bursts". The typical gamma ray burst involves hundreds of times as much energy as the most powerful supernova.

If you wonder where the energy for the Big Bang came from in the first place, it is because of the priorities of the universe. Matter, as we know, will naturally seek the lowest energy state. But that is not the first priority of the universe. Charge balance is the top priority, where there is a negative charge there must be a positive charge to balance it. All of the energy in the universe today originated with the Big Bang, and we know that energy can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form.

That is more important than energy expenditure and is what creates gamma ray bursts when the string of a particle such as an electron snaps, creating a charge unbalance in the adjacent space. New charges will begin forming, as they did in the beginning of the universe, until the negative and positive sides curve around on each other and mutually annihilate to form the mini Big Bang that we call a gamma ray burst.

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